Frequently asked questions

Here you can find the answers to the questions, that we get the most often. If the answer you are looking for is not here, contact us and we will be glad to help with it!


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How difficult is this workshop?

The workshop is not difficult, but it takes around 20 minutes to understand the use of the tufting gun and around 30 more minutes to get a hang of it properly. After that it is a smooth ride!

Moreover, rugs are quite forgiving on the mistakes, so there is not need to stress about them.

If you get tired, you can always rest and get a cup of tee / coffee.

How do the workshops work?

1. Book a workshop that you like, choosing the rug size, and send us the design, that you want to make - recommendations here.

2. You come to our studio to the prepared frame and yarn. We instruct you on using the tufting gun and help you if any issues arise.

3. You start putting the yarn into the cloth, making your rug. In the end of the workshop, you will shave the rug.

4. If you want to glue and finish the rug yourself and take it with you straightaway, it can be done on a separate day. Otherwise, we will complete your rug in 5-7 days.

5. You receive your rug!

How many people are at the workshop?

At the moment the maximum number of people is 5, but we will host the workshop even for one person

What is included in the workshop?

- We set up the frame with your design traced onto the cloth (if you want to draw something yourself, please, notify us in advance).

- We will prepare the yarn. But you can also pick the colors from available ones, if you want to change them.

- We will instruct you on how to make the rug

- We will assist you during the whole process. We will be around for the entire session if you need anything.

- Finishing of a rug is included - if you want, you can finish it yourself on the second day, otherwise we will do it for you and the rug will be waiting for you in our studio.

- All the tools and materials are included, alongside some drinks and snacks.

How to prepare for the workshop?

1. Send us your preferable rug / rugs design / designs before coming to the workshop. Preferably, 2 days in advance, but on shorter notice may also work ( it is better to ask us about that).

Here are some guidelines on how to choose the design.

If you want to do free hand (draw the design yourself already at the studio), it is a good idea to mention the colors, so that we would have all the required ones on hand. We do have a stock, but maybe you need some specific ones.

Also tell us, if you want to finish a rug by yourself, or if you want us to do it for you.

And that is it!

How to pick a design of the rug?

You can always check our recommendations for the design here.

You can also just reach out to us with the design that you want to do and we will say, if it works or not and will help you to simplify it, if necessary.

Please, try sending us the design at least two days before the workshop. On shorter notice may also work ( it is better to ask us about that).

You can also draw the design yourself right at the workshop, but then it is a good idea to mention the colors that you want to use, so that we would have all the required ones on hand. We do have a stock, but maybe you need some specific ones.

What to take with to the workshop? Food, water, clothes?

1. On the day of the workshop it's best to go with comfy and casual clothes that can handle a little mess. If you wear long hair, bring something to put them away.

2. You can take spare footwear, since it is quite warm in the studio.

3. You may want to take a water bottle or some snacks - we have coffee, tea & some snacks available and microwave oven available. Anyway, there is a shopping center close nearby.

Otherwise, just take your good mood - we have everything else!

How dirty / loud is the process?

The tufting part is not loud, but if you want, you can bring ear protection, or we have it on the site.

Tufting part is a bit dusty, but it will end up on the floor, not on you.

Glueing / shaving part is not loud at all, but way more dusty, so be prepared for that.

How long does the workshop go?

The time mentioned is average - we will wait for you to finish

  • For Standard size it takes ~4.5 hours to make a rug; finishing takes ~3 hours 
  • For Small size it takes ~3.5 hours to make a rug; finishing takes ~2 hours
  • For Mini size it takes ~2.5 hours to make a rug; finishing takes ~1.5 hours

What if I do not make the rug in time?

The time specified is the average one, it may take you a bit longer - we will wait for you for no additional price

Can I take the rug home straightaway?

Unfoturnately, the glue must stay on the rug overnight. 

You can come on the next day to finish the rug yourself (it is included in the price) and take it home with you after that!

Can I cancel or modify my reservation?

Yes, you can cancel or modify your reservation (for example, transfer it to another person or move it to another date), but only 48 hours in advance. Otherwise, purchase is binding.

Payments with Edenred, Epassi and Smartum

Note: You can only pay for the workshops and gift cards for workshops for yourself with these services.

For Epassi and Smartum you can pay via the their online services. The exact steps for each one can be seen during the checkout - just choose the service you are using.

For Edenred - you can use their card during the regular checkout when paying for the product.

I want a special workshop

Send us a message!

Custom Rugs

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What is the process of ordering a custom rug?

1. You send us a request, specifying the rug you want (size, picture or the idea).

2. We reply with the answers to your questions (if any), our additional questions (if any) and suggestions / price / time estimation. 

3. If you are ok with the proposed terms, we start working on a sketch. We send you the sketch and make the additional modifications, until everyone is satisfied with it.

5. After the pre-payment (50% or 100% - they way it is better for you), we order the colors (if needed) and make the rug.

6. When the rug is finished, you pay the second part of the price (if not paid fully) and we send the rug to you OR you can pick it up from our studio and pay via card right there.

*If you buy a wall-hanging rug with your pet from our store, the payment is booked upfront, since we know the price and the details already. However, we will not charge the payment until you are satisfied with the sketch.

How much would a custom rug cost?

The price ultimately depends on the complexity of the design rather than on the size. We can tell you the exact price after you have contacted us.

How and when do I pay?

Payment can be done via Bank Transfer (by invocie), PayPal, cards (online and in person), Klarna, Apple Pay and Shop Pay. 

The payment for custom orders can be done after the sketch and all the other aspects are settled. 

We can either do 50% after the sketch is done and 50% right before the shipping or 100% as pre-payment.

If you order something from the store, then it is 100% pre-payment.

Are there any limits to sizes & designs?

We would suggest to use simpler designs to make the rugs look clean. But it is better to send us a message about that.

We can make a sketch for a photo you want to use as a base for the rug, or simplify the design that you have if it is necessary.

As for the size, it depends on the design, but we would suggest not smaller than 50 x 50 cm.

How soon can I get my rug?

In general, making a rug takes 7-14 days.

It basically depends on the availability of yarn colors (if we need to order some rare colors), the amount of changes in the sketch and the amount of rugs currently in line.

When the rug is done we ship the order to you via Posti in Finland (2-3 days) or you can pick it up from our studio in Vantaa (usually in 1 - 2 days).

Where do you ship to?

About the shipping it is better to ask via or our IG.

But we definitely ship to Finland, Germany, Austria, Lithuania & United States.


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How do you ship?

In Finland we mostly use Posti (takes about 2-4 days) or Matkahuolto for the smallest shipments.

To outside of Finland, we will provide you with the options. Usually in EU it is either Post or GLS (takes about 7 - 10 days). For outside of the EU it is mostly Priority Post or EMS (takes 1-2 weeks).

Where do you ship to?

About the shipping it is better to ask via or our IG.

But we definitely ship to Finland, Germany, Austria, Lithuania & United States.

What happens with unpicked orders?

They will be most probably shipped back to us.

Unfortunately, we will have to charge you for both ways (shipment to you and back with all the related fees) and refund the rest of the money when the package gets back.


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Why do you use Acryllic?

It is more durable and better holds the form.

Where is your studio?

The address is Jönsaksentie 6, 01600 Vantaa. It is on the second floor of Myyräncolo.

There is a bus stop and a train stop in around 1 min and a shopping center Myyrmanni in about 2 min.

Read here how to get to the studio.

I still have more questions

Ask us right now via or our IG.